Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

Mang Dulloh

memanjakan diri saat libur kerja memang sangat dinantikan semua orang, tak terkecuali mang Dulloh.
Setelah sepekan penuh merekam data kerja di hardisk yang super besar, hardisk yang selalu kita bawa kemanapun kita pergi, yang selalu menjadi pembuka ketika kata rapat terkunci, dan kadang memerlukan aspirin ketika sistemnya bekerja terlalu lama..
ahh, Sabtu ini memang terasa nikmat, relaxing body and mind secara total tanpa harus mematikan seluruh sistemnya, beberapa aplikasi mulai kujalankan, mendefragmentasi hati agar kembali tertata rapi, cleaning up pikiran dari data-data negatif biar terus positif, menjalankan antivirus biar semua virus influenza, malas, kangen, worried, etc.. yang seminggu ini bersarang bisa pergi dan aplikasi terakhir bin pamungkas yaitu empty recycle bin motor..
Ngomong-ngomong motor, setelah seharian take a huge nap, I decide to wash my V, tak adil rasanya setelah seminggu sama-sama menemani berjuang di jakarta, jika doi tak kuberikan waktu cuti juga. Apalagi, dua hari terakhir disana diajak kencan pak Ustad ke jalanan bekasi yang terkenal seksi (baca bolong-bolong)
Setelah berbincang akhirnya sauna dan pijat refleksi yang dipilih si V, kali ini ku berikan eksta, shampo dan sikat ban...
Di jalan aku lihat anak kecil memakai topeng superhero dengan semangatnya berlari, sejenak kupandangi, semenit kemudian kukagumi, sepuluh menit berselang dia membawaku ke waktu aku kecil dulu, masih segar dalam ingatan ini ketika sore hari, setelah mandi, si mamah selalu ingatkan aku agar aku jangan terlalu banyak bergerak jangan sampai keringetan lagi, her lovely voices remind me "awas tong lulumpatan, bisi diguyur!" hehehe sound very scarry at that time, her finger movements, hmm remind me of si hijau, lentik nya, ah aku kangen si mamah, Mang Dulloh KANGEN Ceu Uroh...
kugubris my mum warning, kuikatkan sarung dileherku, kukepalkan jari-jariku, tangan kanan di depan sementara yang lain nya kusimpan di dada berdampingan dengan semangat yang membuncah, rasanya sudah siap terbang! up up up up and away!


Di dalam traffics light, hijau berarti move on, silahkan jalan. Di dunia tumbuhan hijau adalah klorofil, zat yang berfungsi menyerap cahaya membantu proses fotosintesis, untuk melanjutkan hidup tanaman..
Rumah mu hijau, penuh dengan kehidupan, hari itu sudah gelap, tak ada proses penyerapan tenaga oleh si hijau, not me nor my bike can see the sign, memang benar pemerataan pemerintah dalam pemasokan listrik ternyata sangatlah penting, baru kusadari pada saat itu..
a doubt, approached my heart, Questioning over and over, can I arrive on time? can't I see the photosynthesis in your green house? Can't I convince my self that we're the same human being? Then I step off my bike, instead try to answer those questions I ask the owner of a small shop, menanyakan tentang mu, before I finish my question she pointed to a big green leaves next to her shop... hmm, rupanya sudah terkenal pikirku saat itu.
Heading to your lovely big green leaves, I made another call to make sure. akhirnya sampai juga.. Tak seperti daun biasa yang tak terlihat di kegelapan, kamu muncul dengan senyum, Damn, she's nice! mempersilakan aku masuk, inget kata-katanya cheff farah quin "voila this is it, this is the green leaves, this is me, nepangkeun.." what an Ice breaker... I was thinking you're a diplomat daughter, karena begitu diplomatis..
ternyata hijau mempunyai banyak arti di sana, satu yang paling ku suka, hijau berarti manis, segar dan semut...  Manisan pala itu mengawali jumpa kita, segarnya masih terasa sampai kini. bentuknya masih kuingat, semutnya masih terlihat... aah, hijau ternyata indah...

Bukan Seafood

dan hujan pun akhirnya turun juga.. Lama aku menunggu kau untuk meneteskan air mata - cairan yang konon mengandung zat lisozom yang bisa membunuh bakteri yang tertinggal di kelopak mata - bukannya airmata buaya yang orang bilang sangat berbahaya, hehehe wong buaya nya sendiri berbahaya kok!
Tapi I didn't expect hujan turun sekarang, eh keukeuh dia ga peduli tetep turun, meskipun jampi-jampi datang tak dijemput pulang tak diantar belum dibacakan.. But I insist to go, because I have made an appointment, a very special appointment with a special person for a special occasion which is absolutely special on my lifeline.. Lebay mania!
I ignored Zee Avi voices, she sings her Kantoi  slowly, reminding me that I have new message in my phone.. I keep riding, sampai air mata itu turun membuat jaket hitam ku all wet wet wet.. ku berhenti sejenak, sambil mengamati bulir-bulir air itu, berfikir untuk menggunakan jas anti air mata, "ah masih kecil fikirku saat itu" lalu kulihat pesan nya Zee Avi which informed it was raining there, I'm thinking for a while, then I move on.. Tiga bis jurusan jakarta kulewati dengan satu tarikan gas, karena memang mereka sedang ngetem nunggu penumpang. Satu bangunan besar yang menjajakan makanan di daerah Panembong tak terasa terlewati juga, tempat pertama yang kita kunjungi setelah gagal mencari steak di TKC dan seafood di the Light road, then we decide to order
1. Cumi asam manis
1. Jus sirsak
1. Kerang saus padang
1. Lemon tea
Lama menunggu, kita berkunjung ke masa lalu, I tell you my story then you tell me yours. Walaupun sebenarnya tidak terlalu penting bagiku, cerita masa lalu adalah kenyataan yang telah ditelan waktu. meskipun salah satu teman pernah mencoba mengingatkan ku tentang pentingnya sejarah dan slogan Jas Merah nya Ir. Soekarno, yang berarti jangan lupakan sejarah! for me, meskipun I like red color, it won't be appropriate if I wear Jas berwarna merah... teu nyararambung Jendral.. huahaha. Then we're talking and talking sampai-sampai tidak 'Ngeh klo makanan ternyata sudah lama nunggu memandangi kita berdua, menggerutu "bade moal yeuh?", hahaha then we eat.. sayup-sayup terdengar lagunya Naif, Curi... curi-curi pandang...

Don't forget to bring the umbrella!

Akhirnya kubawa juga netbook kecil ini, teman yang paling setia di muka bumi, yang selalu sabar mengamati perubahan mimik muka tuan nya yang tiap hari selalu berganti. Bismillah, kusematkan dalam dada, tak lupa optimis juga kubawa, semua nya ku tutupi dengan sehelai kulit domba yang telah berubah bentuk menjadi sebuah jaket. ya, jaket kulit hitam yang tidak konsisten, dulu saat pertama kubeli warnanya coklat memikat, namun seiring berjalan nya waktu, perubahan ternyata tidak terjadi pada kita yang hidup saja, yang kadang baik dan seringkali jahat. Dia bertransformasi menjadi hitam kelam, namun tak sehitam rambut yang selalu kau dambakan.
Hari ini I've got to go to one of my costumer which based in South Jakarta, hmm sepertinya, mencari rezeki dengan berjualan, memang sangat menjanjikan. Sebelum berangkat, aku sudah cek berkali-kali semua hal yang diminta,
1. brosur - checked
2. PI - checked
3. Pricelist - checked
4. Umbrella - unchecked
5. Stamina - checked
6. Patient - checked
Setelah yakin semua ada, kecuali item nomor 4, walaupun semalam kulihat BMKG menyatakan Bandung bakal hujan ringan, aku lupa kalo hari ini I work in Jakarta, but thats fine, hati kecil ku tetap saja berterimakasih I'll take it with. Thanks 4 Ur kindness remembering me 'bot it. ^_~.  Memang hati yang sempurna, fikirku saat itu.. Selamat jalan, take care..

Be My Bike

It takes - two and half hours, a hundred and ten kilo meters, passes more than twenty sub-districts from Lenteng Agung till Cilaku, -  from Jakarta to my lovely hometown, Cianjur.
Exhausted? for sure, no one can deny! But, an euphoria, stung my heart, kick my butt, and help my mind to excrete adrenaline to order the sensory nerve to pull my bike deeper to move faster than anyone else, even Casey Stoner!
Blue, Black and red coloring my mind as I leave one place heading to another. No pink nor love, still arguing, I don't need it for now, keep telling my heart to focus on the journey, abandoned those feelings, I have to arrive in Cianjur in one piece.. God save the queen, you'll never walk alone echoing my ear.. banzai..
I love the way you talk, your voice marvelous.  As I ask you to increase the velocity, I touch your hand smoother, then you sing as a bird, I can't stand, keep holding on, one, two,three till eleven Casey Stoners were being "Ciao-ed" asta la vista!
It needs moments to have this feeling, it takes some periods to drag my heart to yours. several touring, few collides bring us closer. I realize you need it, of course you may, as I do too.
Arriving in Cianjur, the land of dreams! seem that you need a rest, but you need a shower first, take a bath and good bye I'm sleepy I'd better go sleeping now! . See  you tomorrow.

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Biarkan berlalu

Inspired by blek beri punya pak asep yang bunyi kala ada panggilan masuk dari sang istri tercinta...
klu ga salah lagu nya Hello... nice bangets itu lagu nyah...
neh lyric nyah... 

Letih aku
bila menatap segala kisah 
dalam dirimu
penantian hanya terbuang dan sia-sia
Kau hempaskan tubuh ini
Kau goreskan luka hati
Takkan aku kenang lagi
Tulus cinta yang kau beri
Pergilah cintaku, lupakan dirinya
Takkan aku ingat lagi
Sakit hati yang kau beri
Pergilah cintaku
Biarkan berlalu

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

catet ajah...

Imitation is limitation. People who imitate carry only images of the end products of success in their minds. They see the end but not the beginning.
A business lacking a clearly defined statement of purpose is doomed to fail. If you have failed to consciously define a philosophy of success you have unconsciously defined a philosophy of failure.
If your life is not guided by philosophy, it will be guided by fantasy.
Well defined success philosophies will lead to a greater success in reality, whereas fantasies of success will lead only to greater illusions.
It?s up to you to choose, decide and then succeed
Turning the Dream into Reality
If your definition of success is based on clear self knowledge, your commitment will be in your heart, and no obstacle will hold you back. If, however, your definition of success is merely adopted from the outside, your commitment will be only in your head, and you are bound to lose it the very moment your encounter resistance.
?if a man wants his dream to come true, he must wake up!?
Success depends on your ability to pursue a single goal. This means putting many other options on hold.
Unless you apply your energies in a skillful and methodical way, you?re stuck with a bunch of daydreams
A man with a toothache cannot be in love

Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

Can U read it?

[quote]??fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mni d deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt![quote]

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Bisnis Alat Kesehatan adalah salah satu bisnis yang sangat menggiurkan pada masa sekarang ini. Pembangunan dan pengembangan daerah melaju dengan sangat cepat. Satu hal yang tidak lepas dari dua hal ini adalah Perkembangan Alat Kesehatan, Kabupaten baru, berarti rumah sakit baru. Dan dana pemerintah untuk penyuplai-an alat kesehatan ini dapat dikatakan tidak tak terbatas.

Keuntungan yang sangat mengiurkan dalam bidang ini, menyebabkan menjamurnya perusahaan-perusahaan di bidang ini.

Salah satu syarat untuk mengikuti tenderi alat kesehatan ini adalah terdaftarnya perusahaan di Depkes untuk Penyaluran Alat Kesehatan / PAK .

Adapun Persyaratan Pembuatan nya antara lain:
1. Melampirkan Surat Penunjukan dari pabrikan sebagai penyalur/ Distributor
2. Melampirkan Surat Ijin tempat Usaha
3. Melampirkan SIUP
4. Melampirkan NPWP
5. Melampirkan Surat Ijin Gangguan dari Kecamatan / Ramah Lingkungan
6. Melampirkan Surat Permohonan dari Pemohon
7. Melampirkan Daftar Barang yang Disalurkan / Diageni

Demikian Semoga Bermanfaat.

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Hospital in Kingdom Saudi Arabia

Health: Introduction
Of all the benefits that have accrued to the citizens of the Kingdom, none is greater than the provision of free healthcare of the highest standard, a provision extended to all those who visit the Kingdom in pilgrimage.
The decision to embark on plan of inclusive healthcare provision was taken by King Faisal who initiated a massive hospital building programs.
The following statistics, collated for 2001, illustrate the progress made in healthcare provision in the Kingdom:
Healthcare Provision Statistics, 2001
Provision Number
Hospitals 324
Beds 46,622
Doctors 31,983
Nurses 67,421
Assitant Health Personnel 38,519

In 2000/2001, there were 324 hospitals in the Kingdom, and the total provision of 46,622 beds.
• King Faisal Specialist Hospital
• King Khalid Eye Specialist Hospital
• King Fahd Medical Center
• King Abdul Aziz General Hospital
King Faisal Specialist Hospital
King Faisal gave particular emphasis to the development of comprehensive healthcare for the citizens of the Kingdom. The King Faisal Specialist Hospital, outside Riyadh, which provides a range of specialist medical services, is both a testimony and a memorial to the late King's commitment to healthcare for his people.
KFSH & RC is an 800-bed multi-facility, multi-entity tertiary care hospital and one of the leading healthcare institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Its mission is to provide medical services of highly specialized nature and promote medical research and education programs, including postgraduate education training, as well as contribute to the prevention of disease

King Khalid Eye Specialist Hospital
The King Khalid Eye Specialist Hospital was opened in 1982. With accommodation for some 260 in-patients, the Hospital has established an enviable reputation in the region as a leader in the treatment of eye conditions.
The hospital maintains a full range of specialist departments including optometry, radiology and ultrasonography which are fully exploited for research as well as treatment of patients.
The Hospital
King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital (KKESH) is a tertiary care ophthalmic facility operated by the Ministry of Health (MOH) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The hospital provides quality tertiary ophthalmic care to the patients it serves and promotes the delivery of Kingdom-wide ophthalmic care through its outreach, educational, and research programs.
For more than two decades, KKESH has been recognized for excellence in its delivery of ophthalmic patient care, for its strong educational programs (including continuing medical education seminars and symposia, and training of ophthalmology residents and subspecialty fellows and other allied healthcare personnel), and its highly successful research programs. These achievements have been made possible by the grace of Allah, the Almighty, and through the generous ongoing support of the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud.
King Fahd Medical Center
This 342-bed hospital provides general hospital services for the industrial city of Yanbu and the surrounding region. It has a burns unit and maintains specialist departments for ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat), ophthalmic surgery and renal dialysis.

King Abdul Aziz General Hospital
Located in Jeddah and completed in 1988, the King Abdul Aziz General Hospital, provides a 440-bed medical facility.

Health: Medical Training
To meet the requirements for the Kingdom's healthcare, it was necessary to complement the hospital building program with an equally ambitious medical training program.
Medical training institutes were established at Abha and in the Holy City of Madinah. Training centers were set up in the King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah and in the King Faisal University and a 760-bed teaching hospital was located in the King Saud University campus outside Riyadh.
The Kingdom's healthcare provision has been so successful that it is cited by the World Health Organization as a model for the developing world
Primary Healthcare
In any national health service, the provision of comprehensive and efficient primary healthcare is of crucial importance. By 1988, there were more than 2,000 primary healthcare centers serving the community at local and regional level. By 1989, that figure had risen above 3,000. By 1995, the figure stood at 3,300. By 1999, the figure stood at 3,506.

teeth bleaching

Self-confidence can be seen from the way people smiling. Teeth are one of the most important aspects in this matter. Therefore lots of people are lining to get their teeth brighter than before.
Visiting the dentist is one of the most frequent activities performed as an effort to obtain this clearer smile. We can gain a proper treatment for our teeth based on the physical check up, here in the dentist.
Referred to several different factors that generate unhealthy teeth; we also divide different solution methods to cope those problems.
The most popular method these days consists of two techniques such as internal bleaching and external bleaching.
Internal bleaching technique is the treatment performed by dentists after knowing the factors that caused his patient's teeth to change color. Usually it stains caused by too much to drink tea or coffee, or stains caused by smoking.
While external bleaching techniques are treatments that can be done by the patient himself or home teeth whitening i.e., tooth whitening techniques that can be done at home, such as by mixing with acid-forming powder paste.
In addition, one of the traditional ways that you can do to make your teeth become whiter is by using the acid contained in strawberry fruit combined with baking soda, The trick is to mix these two ingredients with the flat, then apply to the entire surface of the teeth, wait a minute and then cleared. And with regular use, guaranteed, your confidence will increase with the return of your clearer teeth.

Word of the day

mugwump: a person who is unable to make up his or her mind on an issue

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

a chat with a girl

A conversation in a Ramadan Month with one of my costumer form Algeria.. She is a very nice, handful, and smart woman.. even tough I haven't meet her directly, I can tell that she is a perfect person.. I hope this chat, can bring us to Algerian mood, a preparation in case we have to go to that African Country..

Thanks to Fouzia, you are one of my best friend ever... well here are the chit chat...

Halitim Fouzia: hey

Erick Firmansyah: halo

Halitim Fouzia: good morning

Erick Firmansyah: good afternoon!

Halitim Fouzia: how are u?

Erick Firmansyah: fine, how bout you?

Halitim Fouzia: I'm fine too

Halitim Fouzia: so how is ramadhan there?

Erick Firmansyah: Fasting month, it must be different like the other month!

Erick Firmansyah: it s very interesting

Erick Firmansyah: hows there?

Halitim Fouzia: it is great here

Halitim Fouzia: the greatest thing is that I have the chance to go to the masdjid for tarawih

Halitim Fouzia: and u?

Erick Firmansyah: we have the same like yours.

Halitim Fouzia: great

Erick Firmansyah: Anyway, do you have special food on ramadhan? for breakfast?

Halitim Fouzia: yes we have

Erick Firmansyah: what is that?

Halitim Fouzia: there is a plate which must be prepared in all the algerian houses

Halitim Fouzia: it is Chorba

Halitim Fouzia: it means soup

Halitim Fouzia: and there is an other food

Halitim Fouzia: it is named Bourak

Halitim Fouzia: it is prepared with any kind of cheese

Halitim Fouzia: or eggs

Erick Firmansyah: yummy!

Erick Firmansyah: Tell me more about Bourak, cheese, sound delicious!

Halitim Fouzia: or olives

Halitim Fouzia: green olives of course

Halitim Fouzia: you can add also any kind of meat

Halitim Fouzia: just little quantities

Halitim Fouzia: you put all these ingredients in a very thin paper made secially for this food

Halitim Fouzia: and finally you fry them in some oil

Erick Firmansyah: hmmm, it makes me want to have it now!

Halitim Fouzia:

Erick Firmansyah: I must be patient two hours left to reach magrib

Halitim Fouzia: be informed that I am a GOOD COOCKER

Halitim Fouzia:

Erick Firmansyah: Wow, Interesting....

Erick Firmansyah:

Halitim Fouzia: here it is the beggining of the day

Halitim Fouzia: it is only 9.32

Erick Firmansyah: Long journey...

Halitim Fouzia: not very long

Halitim Fouzia: el maghrib is at 18.47

Halitim Fouzia: what about the maghrib in your country

Erick Firmansyah: magrib, today at 17.52

Halitim Fouzia: you are so lucky

Erick Firmansyah: why?

Halitim Fouzia: we fast an hour more than you

Erick Firmansyah: oh, I C

Erick Firmansyah: btw, what do you have for breakfast?

Halitim Fouzia: you mean for SAHOUR?

Erick Firmansyah: yup

Erick Firmansyah: we call it SAHUR!

Halitim Fouzia: yes it is the same thing

Halitim Fouzia: personnaly I do not eat any thing

Halitim Fouzia: I get up only for el fadjr pray

Erick Firmansyah: Do you mean Shubuh?

Halitim Fouzia: yes

Halitim Fouzia: right

Erick Firmansyah: Why dont eat anything?

Erick Firmansyah: is it common to eat anything on Sahur at Algeria?

Halitim Fouzia: because I do not like to eat in the night

Halitim Fouzia: in addiion to that, I want to keep a beatiful waist

Erick Firmansyah: Women!

Erick Firmansyah:

Halitim Fouzia: in algeria, most people have to prepare MESSFOUF

Erick Firmansyah: Messfouf, what s that?

Halitim Fouzia: it is a very thin COUSCOUS

Erick Firmansyah: COUSCOUS?

Halitim Fouzia: we put inside special dry fruits called Zbib

Erick Firmansyah: sweet food?

Halitim Fouzia: finally we add suggar and we have it with skim milk

Halitim Fouzia: very delicious

Halitim Fouzia: you have to try it

Halitim Fouzia: yesterday I have preapared my special rice salad

Erick Firmansyah: You must be like cooking very much?

Halitim Fouzia: yes I do

Erick Firmansyah: No wonder you re an excellent cook!

Halitim Fouzia: not excellent

Erick Firmansyah: very excellent?

Halitim Fouzia: but I can take care of my FUTURE HASBAND

Halitim Fouzia: blushing

Halitim Fouzia: big grin

Erick Firmansyah: lovestruck

Erick Firmansyah: Yup, it is a must, good wife = good cook

Halitim Fouzia: mothers in algeria say that the way to the heart of a man is his stomatch

Halitim Fouzia: is it similar in indonesia

Erick Firmansyah: Smart!

Erick Firmansyah: Btw, Fouzia, here in Indonesia, Idul Fitri is greater (means more food to eat and more new clothes to wear etc.) than Idul Adha. Hows there?

Halitim Fouzia: r u there?

Erick Firmansyah: yup

Erick Firmansyah: I'm still here

Erick Firmansyah: I'm leaving now Fouzia, my working hour is over, gotta go!

Erick Firmansyah: Thanks for the conversation

Halitim Fouzia: ok, nice talking with you.. take care dear...

Posted via email from erikfirmansyah's posterous

Senin, 19 April 2010

a message for honey (read huny)

I was settled at that moment, I have forget all things that made Titanic sunk in the middle of frost ocean.. Having a very good life, brighter than yesterday, I was really enjoy it..
Never expected those "sins" return to my own path, the path that I have build from the pieces of my heart that have been crushed TWICE by the same monster..
I keep telling myself to reject anything related to that monster,I open my heart register, and delete it from the recent call, recent flattery and recent everything about that poisoned honey (read huny) lists..
But man are man, Adam was derived from heaven due to his love, Eve.. me either, as receiving my mother short message telling me that poisoned honey (read huny) has been extracted to it's natural character as anti-toxin.. I move forward to take some, healing my deep sore, and voila it's done.. even though my heart again telling me "once a monster, always a monster.."
I went down to my path, taking it beside, it was heavy, try to rearrange it for my better future.. I introduce her beloved father and show him my own path, and telling him that I'm going to take his honey (read huny) with me.. luckily agreed.. what a day! everything seemed to be perfect..
Never feel sad, never feel bad just enjoying those moments, bit by bit my heart register seemed to be error.. a conflict between my heart and what I see always gone for my visibility.. I forget the monster, I didn't feel the poison, which infected me and transformed myself to be a - dull heartless for God sake- lover..

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010



1 + 1 =?

One plus one equals to?
Mathematically one plus one is two. But on productivity one plus one are eleven, or even more.
If one unit machine plus one unit machine equals to two outputs, means zero productivity.
Mr. Yamana learns from 4 years old girl about what the productivity is.


This question is a very simple question, no need to think to long to answer this. But is it really round?
Yes or Not

Those who think that egg are round; they are simply think what they are actually seen. It indicates that their mind is edging in a limited space do not think from several angles.

Those who think are not, and think that egg is square or can be in a various form, they are free minded and having an opportunity to change and probably will develop better.



MIND : Today is better than yesterday
Tomorrow will be better than today



Five W’s one H methods, the simplest way to solve a problem

WHEN : Indication of time
WHERE : place that trigger the problem
WHAT : object caused the problem
WHY : reason which generate it
WHO : Person in charge
HOW : The solution to solve it


Point to be discuss with my staff

Point to be discuss with my staff.. judulnya keren yah? hahaha sok inggris kata si ferijal mah, salah seorang staff marketing di kantor ku ini. salah satu orang yang sangat penting peran nya di sini. tanpa nya, bisa2 semuanya berantakan di sini, pastinya, soale dia yang tugasnya bersih2 dan rapi2 disini, hehehe...
today, 10 Februari 2010, empat hari menuju hari jadinya cinta, I have to attend a meeting mit maine bos. here are the points:

- Mission : Efficient x Effective x Speed = Productivity

Aligning People
Mengkomundikasikan visi : agar mereka tau arah kita mau kemana
Coaching & Counselling
Team Cohessiveness (gathering, Outbond)
Perilaku manusia
Team Effectiveness Model

Causes of team Cohesiveness

External Challenge : satu perasaan
Member Similarity
Member Interaction
Team Size
Somewhat Difficult Entry : pengaruh dari luar sulit masuk (exclusivitas)
Team Success : Success kecil yang terbangun

3 ways to motivate
1. Apresiasi dan recognition : kenyamanan bekerja, hubungan yang harmonis
2. Berperan berbeda-beda:
- peran sebagai manager : mecut
- peran sebagai guru : memberdayakan
- Peran sebagai ulama : mengingatkan ethics
- Peran sebagai teman : mendengarkan (curhat)
3. Duit

Setelah tahu tantangan apakah akan berlaku sebagai paradigma yang baik

Presentation knowledge
Feature and benefit selling
Lead (suspect) data base
Prospect  pilih mana yang prospect atau suspect
Pre approach  influencer, buyer, user (membantu memudahkan dia untuk bekerja), designer (mendukung tidak terhadap visi)

Proof (testimony dari costumer)

Uncover objection
Handle objection
Close intonasi merendah pada akhir presentasi
Follow up

Ya kecil menuju ya besar
Produk ini memerlukan iso kan pak? Ya,…. Kita tidak akan memerlukan waktu yang lama untuk closing kan pak? Ya..

Understand yourselves
Director : to the point
E motive : orang yang hobby bercerita tentang dirinya (bergaul dengan baik, eksekusi)
Supportive : banyak mendengarkan
Refflective : orang yang cermat (detail ada hitam di atas putih)

Product Knowledge is not enough but organization knowledge
Tidak menjual produk tapi perusahaan
Talk about competitor (supaya tidak banyak handling objection)
Company –competitor – products and services

Who are prospected?
Visi, misi, goal, detail perusahaan ( informasi untuk mendukung visi mereka)
How people buy?
Tender, direct e.t.c.
Why people buy?

Decision Making Unit
Pelajari power structure

Buyer  under table negotiation
 pelajari power structure & Motivasi

Trust = Credibility + Reliability + Intimacy / Self Intimacy
Credibility = organization / people, Reliability (positive testimony, Quality),

Types of People:
Visual = lihat gambar secara jelas, maka puas
Auditory = banyak mendengarkan
Kinestetic = ingin merasakan

Match and Mirroring = menyamakan irama dengan orang yang dihadapi
Self –Interest (Peduli pada team dan organisasi lebih besar ketimbang pada pribadi)

Value = FB + EB / Price + other expenses

Words = 15% to communication
What You Hear = 35%
What you See (Gesture) = 50%

Building Needs
1. Product Innovation
2. Price
3. Quality
4. Service
Cara ampuh building needs
Creating fear : Problem Awareness
Creating Greedy : sensational Offer, Powerful Promises (barang dengan service yang istimewa)

Ultimate Advantage
Testimonial List
Produk Gratis: diminta memberikan komentarnya dari sisi QCDS
Ambil kata-kata costumer yang puas
Sensational Offer
Tunjukan piala dan piagam kemenangan
Sediakan Financing
Coba sebelum beli

Handling objection
- jurus ada, bisa, boleh
- ingat selalu value (memang harga kami lebih mahal, tapi kami selalu dapat dihubungi selama 24 jam)
- Closing : ya kecil….ya besar, bangun scarcity dengan limit waktu

ROSI : Return on Sales Investment
Sales Growth

Using 4R Approach to Coast and Counseling
Creating Powerful Incentives and benefit system
Carrier Development

Akhirnya setelah menghabiskan dua babak pertandingan sepakbola, kita serahkan kembali tongkat ke moderator. setelah satu dua ayat pak ustadz eka menyudahi pertandingan kali ini dengan skor akhir 3-0 untuk para bos.. hehehe, digempur abis2an, pengalaman mereka emang lebih superior dibanding tenaga dan semangat menggebu-gebu ala pejuang muda kita..